The More Inactive Seniors Are, The Higher Their Risk For Dementia, Researchers Say

According to HealthDay (9/12, Mozes), “new research indicates that the more inactive seniors are, the higher their risk for dementia,” investigators concluded after examining “the onset of dementia among nearly 50,000” citizens of the UK who “were at least 60 years old when information about typical daily activity routines was entered into the UK Biobank database at some point between 2006 and 2010.” The study revealed that “seniors who clocked 12 hours a day of inactivity – be it at one stretch, or over 24 hours – saw their risk for dementia spike by 63%,” while “those who sat around for 15 hours a day had a stunning 320% increase in dementia risk.” The findings were published in JAMA.

Related Links:

— “Dementia Risk Rises as Activity Rates Fall,”Alan Mozes, HealthDay, September 12, 2023

Posted in In The News.