People With Trauma Exposure at Increased Risk for Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms

Healio (3/18, Gramigna) reports, “Trauma exposure appeared significantly associated with obsessive-compulsive symptoms among a community sample,” researchers concluded after analyzing “data included in the restricted access National Comorbidity Survey Replication…dataset,” the first part of which “included 9,282 participants who comprised a nationally representative sample aged 18 to 74 years,” and the second part of which “included 5,692 participants,” of whom “a total of 1,808 were assessed for OCD.” The findings were presented at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America annual conference (virtual).

Related Links:

— “People with trauma exposure at increased risk for obsessive-compulsive symptoms “Joe Gramigna, Healio, March 18, 2021

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