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Latest News Around the Web

Suicide Attempts Among Transgender, Nonbinary Young People Rise When Anti-Trans Legislation Becomes State Law, Study Finds

CNN (9/26, Christensen ) reports, “People in the United States who identify as transgender or nonbinary make up only a tiny fraction of the population, but they’ve been the targets of an outsized share of negative attention from lawmakers, a new study says – and those laws can have potentially deadly consequences.” The study “found that when anti-trans legislation becomes state law, suicide attempts among transgender and nonbinary young people rise, with increases of up to 72% among teens who live in states where those bills become law.” The findings were published in Nature Human Behavior.

Related Links:

— “Suicide attempts increased among transgender teens when states passed anti-trans laws, study says,”Jen Christensen, CNN, September 26, 2024

Research Finds Psychotherapies That Focus On Suicidality Directly Or Indirectly Are Comparably Effective At Reducing Suicidal Ideation, Suicide Attempts

Psychiatric News (9/26) reports, “Psychotherapy can be effective at reducing suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in at-risk individuals – even if the psychotherapy does not directly focus on suicidality, according to a meta-analysis.” Researchers found that “both direct and indirect psychotherapy were associated with comparable, modest reductions in the severity of suicidal ideation.” Study results indicate that “direct and indirect psychotherapy were also associated with a 28% and a 32% reduced risk of suicide attempt, respectively.” The findings were published in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Psychotherapies That Address Suicidality Directly or Indirectly Are Comparably Effective, Psychiatric News , September 26, 2024

US Suicides Remained At Historic Levels Last Year, CDC Data Suggest

The AP (9/26, Stobbe ) reports, “U.S. suicides last year remained at about the highest level in the nation’s history, preliminary data suggests.” A little more than “49,300 suicide deaths were reported in 2023, according to provisional data from the” CDC. Meanwhile, “just under 49,500 were reported in 2022, according to final data released” by the CDC on Thursday. The figures “are close enough that the suicide rate for the two years are the same, CDC officials said.”

The New York Times (9/26, Caron ) reports “women are increasingly using guns to die by suicide in the United States, challenging long-held assumptions that they will usually resort to less lethal means, according to” the CDC data. The findings “showed that in 2022, 20 out of every million women used a gun to die by suicide, up from 14 women in 2002,” marking a 43% increase. The data also show “that suicide rates have risen among women over the past two decades.”

USA Today (9/26, Cuevas ) reports the data show “firearms were used in more than half the country’s record 49,500 suicide deaths in 2022.”

Related Links:

— “US suicides held steady in 2023 — at a very high level, “Mike Stobbe , AP , September 26, 2024

Major Cellphone Carriers Can Now Direct 988 Callers To Local Mental Health Services Based On Their Location

HealthDay (9/25, Foster ) reports, “In a move that could mean more Americans in crisis get help and get it quickly, federal officials announced Tuesday that major cellphone carriers now have the technology to direct 988 callers to local mental health services based on their location instead of their area code.” Verizon and T-Mobile began “rolling out the ‘georouting’ technology last week, CNN reported.” Once the change is fully implemented, it “will cover about half of all wireless calls to the 988 lifeline.” AT&T “plans to begin the process within the next couple months.” In October, “the Federal Communications Commission will vote on a rule that would require all wireless carriers to use georouting for 988 calls.”

Related Links:

— “988 Mental Health Crisis Calls Now Link to Caller Location, Not Area Code,”Robin Foster, HealthDay , September 25, 2024

Just One In Four US Adults With Schizophrenia Receive “Minimally Adequate Treatment,” Research Finds

HealthDay (9/25, Mundell ) reports, “Only 1 in every 4 U.S. adults struggling with schizophrenia receive ‘minimally adequate treatment,’ new data shows.” Furthermore, many of these patients “struggle with other mental health issues, such as substance abuse or depression, and they are further challenged by social and economic hardship, according to the new report.” Natalie Bareis, an assistant professor of clinical behavioral medicine at Columbia University, said in an APA news release that “persistent high rates of poverty, unemployment and poor functioning suggest that existing treatment and social welfare approaches are not meeting the needs of many people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders.” The findings were published in Psychiatric Services.

Psychiatric News (9/25) says the research found that “71% of individuals with lifetime schizophrenia spectrum disorders reported some mental health treatment in the past year – 56% had at least one outpatient visit, 9% had an inpatient or residential stay, and 58% were currently taking a psychotropic medication.”

Related Links:

— “Most People With Schizophrenia Aren’t Getting Treated,”Ernie Mundell, HealthDay , September 25, 2024

Foundation News

Latest Foundation Radio PSA Examine How Extreme Weather Changes Affect Mental Health

Hotter summers and more severe storms can seriously affect people with psychiatric disorders. Medicines prodded can make one more prone to heat stroke, and each degree rise in temperature has been shown to cause significant rises in hospitalizations for mental disorders. The Foundation covers this and more in their latest Public Service Announcement.

How Extreme Weather Changes Affect Mental HealthHow Extreme Weather Changes Affect Mental Health, MP3, 1.0MB

You can listen to the ad using the player in the upper right of the website’s homepage. All past public service spots are also available for listening or to download on our Radio Advertisements page.

Lt. Gov. Aruna Miller to Receive MFP Anti-Stigma Advocacy Award

The 2024 Maryland Foundation for Psychiatry (MFP) Anti-Stigma Advocacy Prize will be awarded to Maryland Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller for her Personal Interview on May 23, 2023 with WBAL News.
Lt. Gov. Miller was very helpful, conveying to the public in a very personal way the impact of her father’s mental illness – not only on him, but on their family. Her experience also demonstrated that one can live through this kind of experience and still become very successful adults. She also made an important point that mental illness isn’t a moral failing, but is a chronic health condition.

The Anti-Stigma Advocacy Award will be formally presented at the Maryland Psychiatric Society annual meeting on April 18.

The Foundation established this annual prize for a worthy media piece, preferably local or regional, that accomplishes one or more of the following:

  • Shares with the public their experience with mental illness in themselves, a family member, or simply in the community.
  • Helps others to overcome their inability to talk about mental illness or their own mental illness.
  • Imparts particularly insightful observations on the general subject of mental illness.

Click here for information about past winners.

PSA Examines Anxiety from Political and Social Media

The Foundation has re-released a Public Service Announcement to local Maryland radio stations that examines anxiety caused by political and social media. People experience a wide variety of feelings after a particularly divisive political campaign or a significant event getting 24 hour coverage across networks and online. Those feelings can include alienation from family and friends, anger at a system or event out of their control, and grief or helplessness at what may come. There are things that can be done to help, ranging from breaks from Facebook and TikTok and similar sites to seeking actual help from professionals.

Listen to the PSA on our home page or from our PSA collection, where you can listen to or download other advice given in past PSAs.

Call for Nominations for Anti-Stigma Advocacy Award

The Maryland Foundation for Psychiatry presents an annual award to recognize a worthy piece published in a major newspaper or on public media that accomplishes one or more of the following:

· Shares with the public their experience with mental illness in themselves, a family member, or in the community.
· Helps others to overcome their inability to talk about mental illness or their own mental illness.
· Imparts particularly insightful observations on the general subject of mental illness.

The article should be published or produced during the period from January 15, 2023 to January 9, 2024. A Maryland author and/or newspaper or major media outlet is preferred. Click here for past winners and published articles.

The award carries a $500 prize, which is given at the Maryland Psychiatric Society annual meeting in April. Please send nominations to by January 10, 2024.

New Foundation Radio Spot Looks at Maryland’s Extreme Risk Protection Order

More than 2/3 of people who die from guns in the United States have their own finger on the trigger. A gun in the home increases the chance of a suicide there by three fold. The Maryland Extreme Risk Protection Order seeks to help mitigate that. This new radio spot from the Foundation examines how the order allows family, police, and clinicians to petition a judge to temporarily remove guns from the home of someone who is at risk for using them to harm themselves or others.

Gun Suicide Risk and Maryland LawGun Suicide Risk and Maryland Law, MP3, 1.1MB

You can listen to the ad using the player in the upper right of the website’s homepage. All past public service spots are also available for listening or to download on our Radio Advertisements page.