Age At Which Women Reached Menopause, Type Of Menopause Appeared To Impact Cognition In Later Ages, Study Finds

Healio (8/2, Miller) reports that in a recent study, “the age that women reached menopause and the type of menopause experienced appeared to impact their cognition as they grew older.” Researchers for the study “assessed memory, executive function, attention, visuospatial function, processing speed and nonverbal reasoning of 243 women in the cohort.” The researchers “reported that later menopause was linked to better cognitive performance at an older age, while surgical menopause was linked to worse cognitive performance.” The reasons for the associations are not “fully explained” by childhood cognition and other lifetime events, according to the researchers.

Related Links:

— “Menopause age, type may be linked to cognitive performance “Janel Miller, Healio, August 2, 2021

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