No Individual Antipsychotic Linked To Better Cognitive Outcomes Than Placebo In Patients With SSD, Research Finds

MedPage Today (10/16, DePeau-Wilson ) reports, “No individual antipsychotic was associated with better cognitive outcomes than placebo in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD), according to a systematic review and network meta-analysis.” The research “revealed that two first-generation dopamine antagonists” – haloperidol and fluphenazine – “were connected with lower cognitive performance.” The findings were published in JAMA Psychiatry.

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MedPage Today (requires login and subscription)

Adolescents Treated For Obesity With GLP-1 Medications Are Less Likely To Have Suicidal Thoughts Or Attempts, Review Finds

Adolescents Treated For Obesity With GLP-1 Medications Are Less Likely To Have Suicidal Thoughts Or Attempts, Review Finds
CNN (10/15, Tirrell ) reports, “A review of the medical records of thousands of adolescents treated for obesity found that kids who received the GLP-1 medications semaglutide or liraglutide were less likely to have suicidal thoughts or attempts than those treated with behavioral interventions.” The study of roughly “7,000 children between ages 12 and 18…showed that the medicines were associated with a 33% lower risk over a year.” The findings were published in JAMA Pediatrics.

Related Links:

— “Adolescents treated for obesity with GLP-1 drugs had lower risk of suicidal thoughts, study finds,” Meg Tirrell, CNN, October 15, 2024

At Least 4.3M People 55 Or Older Who Have Cognitive Impairment Or Dementia Live Alone In US, Project Estimates

At Least 4.3M People 55 Or Older Who Have Cognitive Impairment Or Dementia Live Alone In US, Project Estimates
KFF Health News (10/15, Graham) reports the Living Alone With Cognitive Impairment Project at UCSF “estimates that…at least 4.3 million people 55 or older who have cognitive impairment or dementia live alone in the United States.”

Roughly “half have trouble with daily activities such as bathing, eating, cooking, shopping, taking medications, and managing money, according to their research.” However, “only 1 in 3 received help with at least one such activity.” Compared to “other older adults who live by themselves, people living alone with cognitive impairment are older, more likely to be women, and disproportionately Black or Latino, with lower levels of education, wealth, and homeownership.”

Yet just “21% qualify for publicly funded programs such as Medicaid that pay for aides to provide services in the home.”

Related Links:

— “Millions of Aging Americans Are Facing Dementia by Themselves,” Judith Graham, KFF Health News, October 15, 2024

Psychosocial Intervention May Be Effective In Treating Male Postpartum Depression, Research Suggests

According to Medscape (10/11, Lowry, Subscription Publication), new research shows “a psychosocial intervention” conducted by community health workers and “designed to improve depressive symptoms and promote good parenting skills can be an effective way of treating male postpartum depression.” The research– published in JAMA Psychiatry – found that “about 70% fathers with postpartum depression who received the intervention showed complete remission of their depressive symptoms and experienced enhanced relationships with their children and domestic partners.”

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Medscape (requires login and subscription)

Research Finds Use Of GLP-1 Weight-Loss Drugs By Children, Teens Does Not Increase Risk For Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts

HealthDay (10/14, Mundell ) reports parents and physicians “may worry that the use of GLP-1 weight-loss meds by children and teens might raise psychiatric risks, including the risk for suicide and suicidal thoughts,” but new research “involving more than 54,000 U.S. adolescents found no such link.” Investigators found that children with obesity “who used the drugs had a 33% decline in their risk for thoughts of suicide and suicide attempts compared to adolescents who didn’t.” The findings were published in JAMA Pediatrics.

Healio (10/14, Monostra ) reports study results indicate that “adolescents using a GLP-1 were more likely to experience gastrointestinal symptoms…but had lower risk for acute pancreatitis…than the control group.”

Related Links:

— “GLP-1 Weight-Loss Meds Won’t Raise Teens’ Suicide Risk, May Even Lower It,” Ernie Mundell, , October 14, 2024

Individuals With ID Who Do Not Live With Their Family Not More Likely To Be Prescribed Antipsychotics To Manage Challenging Behaviors, Study Says

Psychiatric News (10/11) reported, “Individuals with intellectual disability (ID) who do not live with their family are not more likely to be prescribed antipsychotics to manage challenging behaviors like aggression,” a recent study found.

Investigators “analyzed medical chart data from 112 adults with ID who received care at a regional health system from 2019 to 2021” and found that “about 60% of all patients were prescribed antipsychotics, with the highest proportion of prescribing found for adults in group homes or other supported living.” The research was published in Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice.

Related Links:

— “Living Situation of People With ID Does Not Appear to Influence Antipsychotic Prescribing Decisions,” Psychiatric News, October 11, 2024

Research Highlights Burden Of Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder

HCPlive (10/10, Brooks) reports, “New research is calling attention to the burden of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, providing new evidence highlighting various unmet needs for patients with these conditions.” Using “data from the Healthcare Integrated Research Database, the study found patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder had high levels of comorbidities and healthcare resource utilization, frequently incurring elevated costs but receiving suboptimal treatment that they often discontinued, leading to relapse.” The findings were published in Schizophrenia.

Related Links:

— “Study Describes Unmet Needs in Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder Management,” Abigail Brooks, MA, HCP Live, October 10, 2024

Persistent Loneliness Raises Odds For Dementia, Study Suggests

HealthDay (10/10, Mundell ) reports, “A new study finds persistent loneliness taking a toll on aging brains and significantly raising a person’s odds for dementia.” Researchers “found loneliness was linked to a 31% rise in the likelihood that a person would go on to develop any form of dementia.” Additionally, loneliness “raised the chances of cognitive impairment in people by 15%.” The findings were published in Nature Mental Health.

Related Links:

— “Loneliness Raises Odds for Dementia by 31%,” Ernie Mundell, HealthDay, October 10, 2024

About 15.5M US Adults Have ADHD, Study Suggests

Reuters (10/10, Singh) reports, “Roughly 15.5 million U.S. adults have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and most of them struggle with gaining access to treatment for the condition, according to data from a U.S. study released on Thursday.” Approximately “one-third of those reporting a diagnosis of ADHD said they had received a prescription for a stimulant drug used to treat it in the previous year, researchers reported in the” CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The study also found that “nearly three quarters of those with a prescription for a stimulant drug reported difficulty getting it filled because the medication was unavailable.”

Related Links:

— “More than 15 million US adults have ADHD, new study estimates,” Puyaan Singh, Reuters, October 10, 2024

Research Finds Link Between Time Spent Watching Screens With Higher Odds For ADHD, Depression In Children

HealthDay (10/9, Mundell ) reports, “A study tracking almost 10,000 9- and 10-year olds for two years finds a link between time spent watching TV and other screens with…higher odds for ADHD and depression.” Researchers found that “kids with the highest levels of daily time spent staring at screens had…10% higher odds for depression, a 7% higher risk for conduct issues, and a 6% higher risk for ADHD, compared to children with lower rates of screen use.” The findings were published in BMC Public Health.

Related Links:

— “More Screen Time Tied to Mental Health Risks for Tweens,” Ernie Mundell, HealthDay, October 9, 2024