Healio (1/25, Gramigna) reports, “Internet searches related to suicide decreased during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic,” investigators concluded after using “the Google Trends application programming interface to monitor weekly Google search rates for the term ‘suicide’ between January 2010 and July 5, 2020,” then monitoring “the top 20 unique queries related to suicide after excluding unrelated terms.” Finally, researchers “compared search rate changes before and after the U.S. declared the COVID-19 pandemic a national emergency during the second week of March 2020.” The findings of the “cross-sectional study” were published online Jan. 21 in a research letter in JAMA Network Open.
Related Links:
— “Suicide-related Google searches decreased significantly since onset of COVID-19 pandemic “Joe Gramigna, Healio, January 25, 2021