Suicidal Thinking, Severe Depression, Rates Of Self-Injury Have More Than Doubled Among US College Students From 2007 To 2018, Research Suggests

Reuters (8/29, Joseph) reports, “Suicidal thinking, severe depression and rates of self-injury among U.S. college students more than doubled over less than a decade,” research indicated. After examining “data from two large annual surveys of college undergraduates covering the years 2007-2018, researchers found a broad worsening of mental health indicators including depression overall, anxiety, low flourishing and suicidal planning and attempts, particularly in the second half of the study period.” The findings were published online July 3 in the Journal of Adolescent Health

Related Links:

— “Depression, anxiety rising among U.S. college students, “Saumya Joseph, Reuters, August 29, 2019

About 30 Percent Of People Participating In Studies Of In-Person Treatment Programs For SUDs Drop Out, Meta-Analysis Suggests

Psychiatric News (8/29) reports, “Roughly 30% of people who participate in studies of in-person psychosocial treatment programs for substance use disorders (SUDs) drop out,” researchers concluded in a 151-study meta-analysis that encompassed “a total of 26,243 participants.” The findings were published online Aug. 27 in the journal Addiction.

Related Links:

— “1 of 3 Study Participants Found to Drop Out of SUD Treatment Studies, , August 29, 2019

People Whose AD/HD Persists Into Adulthood May Have Increased Risk For Motor Vehicle Crashes, Researchers Say

Healio (8/29, Demko) reports, “Individuals whose childhood” attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) “persists into adulthood appear to be at increased risk for motor vehicle crashes,” researchers concluded after examining “the risk for motor vehicle crashes…in 441 adults with” AD/HD and “239 controls without” the disorder. The findings were published online Aug. 22 in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Adult ADHD persistence may increase car crash risk, “Savannah Demko, Healio, August 29, 2019

FDA concerned about genetic testing companies telling patients how their genes interact with drugs

STAT (8/28, Robbins) reports the FDA “has been quietly pressuring a handful of companies to stop reporting results to patients about how their genes may interact with specific drugs.” The agency is concerned that “amid a boom in genetic testing that aims to predict a person’s response to medication,…unsupported claims about gene-drug links could be dangerous, if they spur patients to start, stop, or switch medications in ways that aren’t appropriate.” The article highlights several examples of companies that have fallen under the FDA’s new scrutiny of pharmacogenetic testing.

Related Links:

— “FDA warns testing companies: Don’t tell patients how their DNA influences response to specific drugs, “Rebecca Robbins, STAT, August 28, 2019

Physicians Increasingly Concerned About Long-Term Effects Of Antidepressants

The Wall Street Journal (8/28, Petersen, Subscription Publication) reports physicians are increasingly concerned that patients taking antidepressants may be subjecting themselves to unnecessary side effects and risks over the long term. Research indicated that people taking such medications were at a 14 percent higher risk of strokes and heart attacks, and a 33 percent higher risk of death.

Related Links:

— “New Concerns Emerge About Long-Term Antidepressant Use, “Andrea Petersen, The Wall Street Journal, August 28, 2019

Cesarean Sections May Be Associated With Increased Risk For Autism, AD/HD In Offspring, Meta-Analysis Indicates

Reuters (8/28, Emery) reports, “The combined results of 61 studies conducted in 19 countries suggest that when a woman gives birth by cesarean section, autism in the child is 33% more likely and the odds of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder” (AD/HD) “increase by 17%.” The findings of the systematic review and meta-analysis were published online in JAMA Network Open.

According to Healio (8/28, Demko), even though investigators “reported similar estimates for some other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric outcomes – including intellectual disabilities, obsessive-compulsive disorders, tic disorders and eating disorders – the associations were not statistically significant, possibly due to the limited number of studies.

Related Links:

— “Possible link between C-section and autism, ADHD, “Gene Emery, Reuters, August 28, 2019

Need Growing For Preventing Mental Illness Among Older Adults, Psychiatrists Say

Psychiatric News (8/28) reports, “As the percentage of U.S. adults older than 65 years continues to grow, so too does the need for preventing mental illness among older adults as well as improving clinical services and outcomes for older patients with psychiatric disorders,” posited “psychiatrists Warren D. Taylor, M.D., M.H.Sc., of Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Charles F. Reynolds III, M.D., of the University of Pittsburgh in” a viewpoint published online Aug. 28 in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Psychiatrists Offer Recommendations to Help Older Adults With Mental Disorders, Psychiatric News, August 28, 2019

Differences Between Individuals With Autism And Those Without Appear To Have Lessened Over Time, Meta-Analysis Suggests

Healio (8/27, Demko) reports, “Differences between individuals with autism and those without have lessened over time, which may be tied to changes in diagnostic practices,” researchers concluded in an 11-study meta-analysis that “included data on 27,723 individuals.” The findings were published online Aug. 21 in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Effect sizes of studies comparing individuals with, without autism decrease over time, “Savannah Demko, Healio, August 27, 2019

People Taking Antidepressants And/Or Antipsychotics In Weight Management Programs Will Lose Weight Regardless Of Medication Use, Research Suggests

MD Magazine (8/27, Walter) reports research indicates that “individuals taking antidepressants and/or antipsychotics in weight management programs will lose weight regardless of their medication use.” Investigators arrived at that finding after analyzing data on “17,519 adults enrolled in a lifestyle weight loss intervention at the Wharton Medical Clinic in Ontario using a sex-stratified multivariable linear regression analysis to discover the association of taking antidepressants and/or antipsychotics with weight loss when adjusting for age, initial weight, and treatment time.” The findings were published online Aug. 23 in the journal Obesity.

Related Links:

— “Individuals Lose Weight Regardless of Antidepressant, Antipsychotic Use, “Kenny Walter, MD Magazine, August 27, 2019

TSH Concentrations Abnormal In About Six Percent Of Psychiatrically Hospitalized Youth With Mood And Anxiety Disorders, Study Indicates

Healio (8/27, Demko) reports, “Thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH] concentrations were abnormal in about 6% of psychiatrically hospitalized youth with significant mood and anxiety disorders, but thyroid disease was present in less than 1% of the total sample,” researchers concluded in a study involving “1,017 hospitalized youth.” The findings were published online in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Thyroid function abnormal in some youth with mood, anxiety disorders, “Savannah Demko, Healio, August 27, 2019