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CDC Data Show Increase In Number Of US Children Diagnosed With Autism.
A new report on autism rates in the US received heavy coverage in print and online, and was discussed for nearly ten minutes on last night’s national news broadcasts. ABC World News (3/29, story 2, 2:45, Sawyer) reported, “A new report from the Centers of Disease Control shows a big increase in the number of American children diagnosed with autism.”
The CBS Evening News (3/29, story 2, 3:00, Pelley) reports that Dr. Colleen Boyle of the CDC, who “oversaw the study,” said, “No matter what the number is, there’s one thing for certain, and that is that more children are being identified with autism.”
On NBC Nightly News (3/29, lead story, 2:45, Holt), Dr. Boyle, said, “Since 2002, the problems have increased 78%.”
In a second segment on NBC Nightly News (3/29, story 2, 1:10, Holt), Dr. Alanna Levine, of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said, “We need to allocate” research funds “towards finding out what is causing the autism spectrum disorders, and how we can help these children and it can also help communities allocate resources to make sure there are services available for children who need them.”
The AP (3/30, Stobbe) reports, “The CDC study is considered the most comprehensive US investigation of autism prevalence to date. Researchers gathered data from areas in 14 states — Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah and Wisconsin.” The report indicates that “one child out of 88 in the US” has “autism or a related disorder.”
USA Today (3/30, Weintraub) reports that the “figures…show a 23% increase in autism spectrum cases from 2006 to 2008, and 78% increase since 2002.” CDC Director Thomas Frieden, MD, said, “What we do know for certain is autism is common and needs to be effectively served.”
According to the Washington Post (3/30, Brown), the report found that “autism is five times as common in boys as girls (a lopsided ratio found in many other studies).” Researchers also found that “the fraction of autistic children with average or above-average intelligence has risen more than the fraction with ‘intellectual disability.'” Meanwhile, “autism prevalence in Hispanic children is two-thirds that of white children, but it is rising faster in them and in black children than in white ones.”
Related Links:
— “More autism reported, likely from better testing,”Mike Stobbe , AP Associated Press, March 29, 2012.
FDA Revises Warning For Antidepressant Citalopram.
MedPage Today (3/29, Gever) reports that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “has reworded warnings about potentially fatal arrhythmias associated with the antidepressant…citalopram (Celexa), acknowledging that some patients may need the drug despite the risks.” Last year, “the agency ordered numerous changes to the drug’s label, including one stating that citalopram is contraindicated in patients with congenital long QT syndrome.” However, yesterday the FDA “announced that the label should say merely that the drug is ‘not recommended’ in these patients because, as the agency explained, ‘it is recognized that there may be some patients with this condition who could benefit from a low dose of citalopram and who lack viable alternatives.'”
“Patients at high risk include those with preexisting heart conditions (including congestive heart failure) and those prone to low levels of potassium and magnesium in the blood, the FDA said,” HealthDay (3/29, Preidt) reports. “At the time, the drug label was revised to include the new dosage limit as well as information about the potential for abnormal heart electrical activity and rhythms.” The current “recommendations note that Celexa in any dose should not be given to patients with certain conditions due to the risk of suffering these heart problems,” but “it may be important for some patients to take Celexa, so the label has been changed.”
Related Links:
— “FDA Softens Celexa Arrhythmia Warning,”John Gever, MedPage Today, March 28, 2012.
Health Professionals Increasingly Concerned About Teens Using Whip-Its.
According to an article on the ABC News (3/28) website, “there is growing concern among health professionals that Whip-Its — small canisters filled with nitrous oxide that can be used as a recreational drug and were reportedly used by actress Demi Moore shortly before she was rushed to the hospital in January — are making a comeback among teenagers and young adults across the country.” Some states have already made an effort to “stop the inhalation of nitrous,” but Whip-Its canisters are “easily accessible” and “mostly ignored by authorities.” In fact, “an ABC News investigation airing tonight on ‘Nightline’ found that multiple online retailers allowed large purchases of the Whip-Its, with no questions asked about age or what they would be used for.”
Related Links:
— “Dangerous Teen Craze Whip-Its Making a Comeback?,”Brian Ross, ABC News, March 27, 2012.
Exercise, Cognitive Therapy May Reduce Menopausal Symptoms.
Medscape (3/29, Nelson) reports, “Cognitive behavioral therapy and physical exercise can reduce treatment-induced menopausal symptoms in younger breast cancer patients,” according to a study presented at the 8th European Breast Cancer Conference. “These interventions were shown to be effective in ameliorating symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, weight gain, urinary incontinence, and mood swings” in a study population of 422 breast cancer patients.
Some Women Seek Support Through Social Media Following Miscarriage.
USA Today (3/29, Linke) reports that many women who experience miscarriages fall into depression and feel a mixture of grief and guilt. USA Today notes that to help cope with their loss, “some women find that Facebook and other online forums provide an outlet for support.” The article explains that online forums allow women to express their feelings and receive consolation, and it adds that “for some, online forums about pregnancy loss are a better venue for discussing their grief than general sites, such as Facebook.”
Related Links:
— “Women turn to social media for support after pregnancy loss,”Maureen Linke, USA TODAY, March 28, 2012.
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